Tricare Bundaberg Aged Care Residents, planned and participated at the end of September event – A Walkathon, guided by the fabulous physios from Encara, the magnificent Lifestyle crew and wonderful carers at TriCare.

The current CoVid guidelines and restrictions couldn’t dampen their enthusiasm and determination. Those that needed a little help were assisted by staff or family & friends where possible.
It was an intergenerational event with the Year 6 class at Bundaberg North Primary School donating their time as well as their art and craft skills to make the Star Badges worn by the participants, treasured mementos of the day. Our heartfelt thanks to the Year 6 class for their efforts.
Refreshments, including yummy snacks, were enjoyed at the end of the event, there was much laughing, cheering and encouraging each other.
There were trophies for most laps as well as special treats.
Individual Awards
1st Place: Tied- Elizabeth Tait and Trevor Head with 145 laps each. That is an awesome achievement. Each lap is 80mtrs approximately which means they collectively walked 34.8kms.
2nd Place: awarded to Carol Burgess
Team Awards
Residents also formed teams reflecting the area of the facility they reside in. The winning team, with 521 laps (a distance of 41.68kms) was awarded to The Green Team
This great effort was achieved over the week – walking each day. They have set the record for the future, something the residents will be aiming to beat next year.
Their trophy is proudly on display in the Reception. Each team participant on the winning team received a small trophy.
A little birdy whispered that the Physios were extra busy the next day providing massages to our elite athletic residents.
Well done to all participants, your Tricare family is very proud of you!